Dr. Antonella Poce
Full Professor in Experimental Pedagogy
University of Roma Tor Vergata
Rome, Italy
About Dr. Antonella Poce
Dr. Antonella Poce currently holds the post of full professor in Experimental Pedagogy at the department of History, Heritage, Education and Society, Universita di Roma Tor Vergata, where she chairs the INTELLECT Research Centre and teaches classes in Experimental Pedagogy, Educational Research Methodology, and Museum Education. Dr. Poce's research focuses on innovative teaching practices in higher education at national and international level. In 2008, she was awarded as New Researcher of the year by AEA-Europe (Association for Educational Assessment).
Dr. Poce coordinates national units within European project frameworks and has been chairing international academic committees dealing with assessment distance learning. She was a member of the AEA-Europe Council Board (since 2012 to 2016) and chaired the Professional Development Committee (since 2013 to 2016) there. She is currently a senior fellow of EDEN European Distance Education Network and was elected as a member of the EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network) - NAP (Network of Academics and Professionals) Steering Committee (since 2011). She chaired the EDEN NAP SC from 2017 to 2020. She has been a member of ICOM (International Council of Museums) since 2003, CECA (Committee for Education and Cultural Action) since 2003, and UMAC (Universities Museums and Collections) since 2019.
She is author of many publications of national and international relevance on the topics of innovation, assessment, and the uses of technology in teaching and learning, particularly in the context of heritage fruition.